After months of anticipation, we are FINALLY in our new place!
And for the most part... it is great!
The first few days involved living in a pile of boxes and a disorganized mess. Last weekend we put our butts into gear and unpacked almost everything (except for one spare bedroom, which is still a pile of boxes...that we will ignore for now.)
After a whirlwind of a week, things are starting to look a little more organized around here. (I will try to get a house tour up sometime in the next couple of days!
Let me re-cap our lives since the move. We have gotten around to a few little things on our to-do lists, but nothing major yet.
For example, we changed the yellowy-orange lights that lit up the front of the house:
And replaced them with bright, white lights. (This seems like a small change, yes, but you have no idea the change it made in person!)
We bought planters for the front and back yards...9 in total! We got a good deal at the local market. Getting them home in the Rav4 was...interesting!
We also put in an automatic garage door opener, and installed a few new register covers. So, nothing too exciting, but stuff that just needed to be done.
Of course, we've taken some time to enjoy our new place, too :) Look at the poppies that began to appear the first morning we were here! We have been LOVing the backyard, the pool, the hot tub, the privacy. It is awesome.
And Mira seems to be adjusting alright, too. She even found a way to get on the roof so that she could meow at us through our window at 5:45 am. That little....
However...we have a *little* problem. We need new furniture. ASAP.
The only existing couch we had was the blue one that used to look really cute in our old place. We had plans of putting it in the basement here and to get new (at least to us) furniture for the fireplace room. But, the couch doesn't go down the narrow stairway. Back to the drawing board!
I've also been putting my creative juices to work and trying to pick out paint colours! It's exciting...but I can't seem to make up my mind. The people at Lowe's must have thought I was a crazy lady hoarding all of the paint guides and paint chips in sight!
On a completely unrelated note... did I mention it is report card season?
And did I mention that my Mum got married on Tuesday? It was a great day! Married in style :)
My Mum and Rick looked amazing and happy, and dinner was a blast. Thanks, guys!
Needless to say, it has been one busy week. I'm excited to get thinking about the projects we will take on over the next months!