Thursday, May 2, 2013

Why we plan on moving. Again.

Wait... What?!
Yep, you read it right. We are planning on moving again.
We have been spending the past few weeks doing a few little things that needed doing in order to list our home. And Monday, we are having a realtor in to take a look. Considering we just moved in a year ago, and probably paid a high price... we are hoping the news is good. Especially after giving the entire house a facelift.

What caused this, you might ask?

Well, let's go back to the beginning.
Back when we decided to move last time, what we really wanted was a home that we could raise a family in. As in, not a home with killer steep stairs and a scary basement like our first house (which we loved for so many reasons...but those two were a bit less child-friendly). Since we knew we were eventually going to try for a baby, I feel like we rushed into purchasing our current home. This, of course, is all in hindsight, since we fell in LOVE with this house. We just had to have it!

To be honest, this house has everything a family would want. It is solidly built, has large bedrooms, lots of storage, a finished basement, is great for entertaining, is on a quiet crescent, has a garage and two sheds, has a huge, private, beautiful backyard (with a pool! And a hot tub!) and feeds into a great French Immersion school. And of course, it is in a good location. Well, according to MOST people.

Yes, location. What we didn't realize when we bought the house (but which we really did realize deep down) is that to us, location is everything. (If only I had listened to my own wise words, here.) Probably our favourite thing about our first house was it's location. Downtown. Walking distance to EVERYthing. Yes, I say everything. Except for some family members. However, our entire existence basically takes place downtown. It is where we work. It is where we go to the market. It is where we go out for food, it is where we like to walk, some of our family lives there. And to top it all off, Joe's parents are going to be Henry's care providers when I go back to work. We used to walk everywhere and loved it.

A few months ago, Joe and I had to have that honest conversation. We both admitted that we missed being downtown. It is like something was missing. (I felt a HUGE sigh of relief when I learned that Joe felt the same way!) Fingers crossed that everything works out in our favour!

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