Thursday, March 15, 2012

House plans

Yesterday Joe and I got into our new house for one of our visits before we move.
The main reason for the visit (other than just wanting to see it in person again) was to get some measurements so that we can start figuring out what furniture we have and where it can go, as well as anything else we might need to fill the space.

We took a lot of detailed measurements and now I'm working on drawing out the house to scale.
My sister gave me a really neat idea to measure our furniture and cut out mini versions to the same scale so that I can test out how the furniture would fit in different parts of the house or a room before deciding where to put them. I will definitely be trying this. I'm such a visual person that it has been challenging to picture the house. I think having an actual drawn plan will make things much easier.

For now, here are some of the plans I've started... I've only done the main floor so far.

For the record... I might have a bit of a...pencil problem? I didn't realise this until Joe teased me about the number of sharp pencils I had at the ready while drawing up these plans. Yep, I sat and sharpened about 10 pencils before even beginning. I like sharp pencils, ok?!

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